Children's Day Care

The Adventure Begins

Starting day care is a huge step for each child and parent. Our aim at Blooming Wild Child Care is to make this journey one that is safe, exciting, nurturing and fun. Each child is important and unique so we tailor our approach to support each child as an individual. We adopt the 3 i's doctrine to deliver these aims.


know more about us

Blooming Wild Day Care Nursery & Kids Hub Activity

Child Care

Child Care

Our primary activity is the provision of high quality childrens day care. With experienced leadership and staff we dedicate ourselves to your childs development. We pride ourselves on our unique seven areas of learning and competitive pricing.
Party Time

Party Time

Do you need a safe and fun space to celebrate your childs birthday? From Autumn 2021 we will provide a dedicated space for weekend celebrations where your children can enjoy all the facilities to make their special day exciting and memorable. Saturday and Sunday only.
Child Activity Hub

Child Activity Hub

At Blooming Wild we want to create a location where families can access great add-on services for their children. From Baby Massage to Early Years Music making, we have space available and are happy to work with carefully chosen specialist providers.

What parents are saying

Parent / Guardian Testimonials


The Blooming Wild Team

Dedicated and Professional


Michelle Coello

 Director & Nursery Manager

Michelle is the driving force behind Blooming Wild. With over 26 years of experience in childcare, she has demonstrated time and again a dedication to child welfare and a talent for seeing the potential is every child she helps.
Having worked in SEN, Nursery school and provided acclaimed child minding over many years her experience is both wide-ranging, relevant and effective.
Blooming Wild 
85 Hitchin Rd
Emily Kiszel
Emily KiszelEarly Years Educator (Level 3)
Adrianna Iosifescu
Adrianna IosifescuLunch Time Supervisor (Level 2 Student)
Darcy McDonald
Darcy McDonaldEarly Years Educator (Level 3)
Hollie Nicholls
Hollie NichollsNursery Assistant
Maria Lavin
Maria LavinEarly Years Educator (Level 2) and Fire Warden
Sammi Harman
Sammi HarmanEarly Years Educator (Level 2)

Blooming Wild Child Care prices arecompetitivehourlytransparent

Apply for Admission

Contact us to start the conversation and write the next chapter in your child's story.